For pleasure, for knowledge or to use as gateways to other worlds.


Strange and unusual things that stimulate the imagination.

Chosen works of Art
From those who left the best of themselves behind.

The Study has always been a special place to those whose minds and spirits expand beyond the limits of their physical selves. In former times those who sought knowledge beyond their own had physical books, globes or items of interest and experiment in their studies – now we have added to those the additional tools of the phone, computer and internet. But Beware! The internet is a good servant, but a bad master and it is often still best to begin research into new things in the old way – with books and maps and experiments – before descending into the seductive labyrinth of the internet.

The Study is also a place of creation – here the Merliz works on her crafts, and here new lines and verses are written, letters and communication exchanged and sometimes happy hours just spent relaxing and pondering on the world and the beautiful things in it. Journeys are planned here and perhaps, after viewing Merliz world, you will plan your own voyage. Wherever you are and wherever you live, you should set aside a certain area, even if it’s only a table and chair, as your own study and creative area – if you do this you will find that – once you start, your study will miraculously blossom, with the fruit of your thoughts, journeys and creative interests – Why not start today?

In this section of her site the Merliz shares with you things of interest; Books she feels you might enjoy, Objects of beauty or interest which might appeal, Curiosities and links and portals to like-minded people around the world. Enjoy these and may they help you to find inspiration, pleasure or companionship – please also feel free to make your own suggestions to add to the volumes in this virtual study.  We suspect that, like the Merliz, you will spend a lot of time before the fireplace in study whilst your mind and spirit soars and flies over the earth. May you enjoy your journeys, and may you find what you seek!


Art, crafts and other creations from the hands of Merliz and her friends.


Websites or gateways to beautiful places for like-minded people to visit.


A place for you to let the Merliz know what to add to her study.